It’s possible that the rest of cartons are still in transit with carrier, so please always double check your tracking notification to see how many tracking numbers were provided and are they all with the same carrier or different.
After checking your tracking information and if you believe that there are carton(s) missing, please contact us within 24 hours of delivery and we will look into it for you and advice the rest.
To make this easier and quicker, please ensure:
- You retain the original packaging
- Your accurately advice the carton you are missing
Tint: How to tell a product contains more than one carton
On the packaging of an item present by us, will have a barcode following with 4 or 5 digits which indicate a product code. If in instance the code is like 21888-1/3 or 21888-1T3, meaning there are total of 3 cartons for this item and you are now looking at carton number