In most cases, you can pickup your items straight away after purchasing, as 97% of our stock are currently held in our warehouse. However, in instance if the item you are purchasing showing “pre-order” or “made to order”, then instant pickup is not going to be happen, all this information can be found on product page, so please read all information carefully. Or waiting for our confirmation before comes.
To be able to make an instant pickup possible, here is what to do:
- Ordering in store through our salesperson
The general waiting time for picking up an instore purchase would be less than 15mins. However, if our pickup centre is packed with customers, then we might expect a delay in processing your order up to 30mins. Please note, we do not accept Afterpay or Laybuy, neither Genoapay in store, while they are available through online purchase.
- Ordering online
When ordering online, we require the order to be paid in full to be able to support your instant pickup requirement. Once you have received our text message telling you that your order is ready for collection, then follow the link provided from the same message to enjoy the quick and contactless pickup service.